On July 6th, the “World Tariff Profiles 2023” was published, which is a joint publication of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Trade Center (ITC) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) dedicated to the study of access to goods markets. In this comprehensive statistical report, key tariff parameters for each of the 164 WTO members, as well as other countries and territories where data is available, are compiled. Each tariff profile presents information on the tariffs imposed by each economy on its imports, as well as an analysis of market access conditions in the main export markets.
The report reveals that the proportion of tax-exempt products has gradually increased in all regions of the world. Africa has the lowest proportion of tax-exempt products, followed by the Americas and Asia. In Africa, only about one in five products is tax-free. Least developed countries have the highest proportion of international tariff spikes, while developed economies have the lowest. A relatively high number of domestic tariff peaks indicates a wide dispersion in national tariff levels, but not necessarily a high national average.
Regarding Mozambique’s tariff profile, the country has a total of 5549 tariff lines applied under the Most Favored Nation (MFN) regime. On average, its rates are consolidated at a rate of 97%, varying according to the product category. For agricultural products, the consolidated rate is 100%, while for non-agricultural products it is 26%. The simple average of rates applied in Mozambique is 10.3%. For agricultural products, the rate applied is 14%, while for non-agricultural products it is 9.7%. In relation to weighted applied rates, which take import flows into account, the total average is 7.2%. For agricultural products, the weighted applied rate is 8.2%, while for non-agricultural products it is 6.9%. These weighted rates reflect the relative importance of different products in the country’s total imports.
Although this report is based on the SH2022 nomenclature, for the analysis referring to Mozambique the SH2017 nomenclature was used, as this was the version in force at the time of preparing the report.
For more information see: https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/world_tariff_profiles23_e.pdf